Modify Panel Tools​

Here are the tools from the Modify menu panel:

Fix Chair Clashes

This tool allows you to fix the overlapping between chairs. You get to choose to whether resolve a single chair, a region with multiple chairs by manually selecting them, or, All. 

The All option will let PT-AutoMate work to resolve all the overlapping chairs on the map. 

Keep in mind that in some cases it is impossible to resolve some chairs due to the lack of space. In this case, it is recommended to use the Plan View tools such as showing only the longitudinal or latitudinal tendons. Not to forget, that you can always reduce the font size of all the labels on the map from the settings popup.


Stagger tendon Info

Each tendon has its info tag. The tag consists of the tendon ID and strand number. In some cases, when two or more tendons are in the same direction and close to each other, those tendons’ tags overlap.


Click on the Stagger tendon info menu button, then manually select the overlapping tag, which will be staggered away from the other ones.
